How it all started...
In February 2021, a historic winter storm struck Texas. The massive storm spread ice, snow, and freezing temperatures over the majority of Texas damaging the power grid. The power grid problems left millions weathering conditions in the dark in uninsulated homes causing plumbing pipes to burst creating damage to millions of homes throughout Texas.

All he needed was the transportation and a destination to receive the water. While telling the story to one of his customers, the customer made a phone call and arranged for the transportation to be covered. Everything appeared to be falling into place until Ben received the call that the water manufacturer that their largest customer purchased all their inventory and all the water being produced for the next 2 weeks. They had no water left.

On February 22, 2021 during is morning devotions, Founder Ben Harris received an assignment from God. A Word and direction to “bring water.” Ben stated, “The only instruction that I received as to bring water. I originally thought I would pull a covered trailer behind my truck with several pallets of water. I had no idea what God has in store for me.” Through established relationships, Ben was friends with a Senior VP of a large water manufacturer. He reached out and was told he could have a truck load (19 pallets) over 38,000 bottles of water.
“Within 36 hours of my assignment to ‘bring water,’ I had a load of water but no truck or destination, a load of water and truck but no destination, and then a truck but no water” Ben stated. Ben reached out to several other contacts and relationships, one in which ended up donating 3 times the amount of water (57 pallets) over 120,0000 bottles of water. The donated water had been sitting in warehouses at different distributions centers throughout the US and could be delivered to any location needed. The water shipped to several locations in both Dallas and Houston. “God gave me an assignment to ‘bring water’ and I put God in a 53’ trailer when all along He had 3 times the original amount of water sitting in distribution centers just waiting for a destination to be shipped. With an open ear, obedient heart, and a little bit of faith God used an ordinary man like me to distribute 120,000 bottles of Holy Water to the people in need and Mission Catastrophe Response was born.”
What We Do
At Mission Catastrophe Response, we believe it is our duty and responsibility to serve others after a Catastrophic Event. Matthew 28:18 says “Then Jesus came to the and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” We also believe the Bible is the Word of God and is 66 bags of seed that instructs us how to live a life pleasing to God bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth. As a result, we GO, planting seeds with the Word of God, providing both earthly water and Living Water, and assisting communities with help and resources to restore both their physical home but their spiritual home in their greatest time of need.